Thursday, August 29, 2013

Vintage style Suspenders, Bowtie & Cap

"Wearing a bow tie is a statement. Almost an act of defiance." - Rick Kaplan

Here are a few pictures from Alik's 1st Birthday.  He was coming up with a cold so it was tough getting good pictures of him. He didn't want to stand or walk so we tried as best as we could to snatch good pictures of him. Enjoy!

I opted for a vintage style outfit for him and everyone loved it too! 

 Whole Outfit is from Amazon, or
Here  or Love  This!
 And I really like these shoes  Here, Here and Here

It was a great day and the weather was perfect.

The food was great and ALik got so many gifts!

Looking forward to even more fun this year. Not sure how I want to dress him yet...

But stay tuned and you will know in a few months :-)

Merci et à très bientôt!