Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Up the Hills

“There will always be a down but also always an up, your moods depends on which of the two you pay the most attention to.” ― Laurins Double

Hello Everyone! It's been a few days and I have to admit that I'm starting to get addicted to this blogging thing... lol  Living in the LA area, we tend to take for granted the beautiful view and scenery in front of/ around us. Driving up the hills on Sunday, I was struck with awe at the beautiful view presented to me. Of Course we  had to stop and have a photoshoot for you all to enjoy hehe. Hope you have a good rest of the week. Smooches!

Top: Random Store Downdown LA
Pants (Old): Asos Similar Here and Here
Shoes: Michael Kors
Necklace and Watch: Gift from my Twinnie :-)
Bracelets: Bealls Outlet
Scarf wrapped as turban: Supa Old, don't remember where I got it

Merci et à très bientôt!