Friday, December 13, 2013

Radiant Orchid

Pantone, which is the  world-renowned authority on color and provider of color systems and leading technology for the selection and accurate communication of color across a variety of industries, has announced the color for 2014 and it's exotically named: Radiant Orchid!
As Pantone quotes: "Radiant Orchid blooms with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imagination. It is an expressive, creative and embracing purple—one that draws you in with its beguiling charm. A captivating harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, Radiant Orchid emanates great joy, love and health". 
In essence, Radiant Orchid involves all pinkish-purple shades. Pantone's color of the year always has major influence on fashion, design and weddings. So expect to see this  color popping up at plenty of weddings in 2014!

I was sent  this H&M peplum top from France and I loved it right away! And since I talked about Radiant Orchid, I wanted to give you guys an idea of how to style the purplish/ pinkish things you already have in your closet. No need to do damage to your wallet because of it :-) Luckily for me, I have a couple of pinkish-purple things in my possession ( From lipstick, nail polish, to clothing), so I should be able to somewhat keep up with it. But like I've said before, Style matters most. Fashion trends come and go but when you have style, it stays forever. Anyways, hope you enjoy this post and have fun wearing pink and purple! Please leave me comments below and until next time, have a great weekend! Muuuaaah

Peplum Top: H&M
White Shirt under the top: J Crew
Shoes: Macy's
Clutch: Ross
Skirt: Asos (Old) but similar Here, Love this! and This!
Necklace: River Island
Earrings: Ross

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Merci et à très Bientôt!


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