Sunday, December 15, 2013

Style Post 037: Camo Beatles

“It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.” ― George Harrison

Hello everyone!  Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was great. I went to NewGirlExpo Winter 2013 Event on Saturday and I must say it was a success! I really enjoyed myself, bought a few unique pieces and got to meet amazing people! I will post about what I wore in a future post but if you follow me on Instagram,   then you've already seen what I wore :-) Anyways, about this look; Well, we are back to warmer days here in LA (Yay!) and I wore this outfit a few days back. I've worn these pants before here and I can't emphazise how much I love them! Their design is such that you can either style them up with pumps or  heels or style them down with flats and sneakers. For this look, I did both with the printed Tee and black pumps. Hope you have a blessed week loves! XO

Hat and Shoes: Asos
 Earrings: Toni Daley
Everything else except for the watch was thrifted :-)

Like my page on Facebook and you can also follow my Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration.

Merci et à très Bientôt!


  1. Hi Dolly

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment, I do not speak French but I sure wish I could lol
    You are so stunning and fierce in this outfit.
    Love that shirt and it's paired so well with these fabulous camo pants

    Enjoy a great day doll

    xoxo Tamara Chloé

    1. Hi Tamara
      Thanks for your comment! I will be more that happy to teach a few French words haha
      Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. Great quote and really dope camouflage. I wish I can wear a hat like that on my fro, I have to tuck everything in!

    1. Haha Thank you Sade! I feel you on the hat because this one doesn't really sit when my hair is out either but you can't tell in the pictures :-)
