Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Prints and and pop of Bright Orange

"When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out - because that's what's inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside." Wayne Dyer
Hello loves and Happy Hump Day! I have to admit, being from a French-Speaking country, it took me quite some time to understand why "hump" day was said without anyone seeing anything wrong with it. Random and weird way to start this post I know but I had to! haha :-)

If you follow me on Instagram (Which you seriously should   already have been doing btw lol), then you already have seen this look. I was invited to Post LA  Fashion Week closing party/Networking Mixer by LA Emerging Designers at Pattern Bar in Downtown Los Angeles. I had a great time and made some great connections!

The weather has been beautiful here in LA so I opted for these shorts I've had for months but have never worn for some reason. Since the shorts' green color is a bit dull, I opted for a printed shirt, a bright and bold-colored jacket and gold accessories. I hope you like and Thank you so much for stopping by!
Dolly K

Top: Stole it from my baby sis (Love you Vane! hihihi)
Culottes: Liz Clairborne
Necklace: Melody Ehsani
Belt: Vintage
Coat: Thrifted
Shoes: Ralph Lauren
Golden Bangles: Very Old, don't remember

Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration. 
Merci et à très Bientôt! 


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