Thursday, May 22, 2014

TBT- Glamouration

Hello Loves! About 3 weeks ago, I was invited to attend "Glamouration", a night of Fashion, live entertainment, free goodies and a celebration of the launch of Powerhaus Productions by Kristen Britton and Armanceyyy by T'asia in Downtown Los Angeles.
The event included a red carpet, live models, raffles, food and an open bar. the room was filled with a wide range of bloggers, brand owners, hairstylists, makeup artists, designers, wardrobe stylists and industry professionals.
I really enjoyed attending the event firstly because everyone looked beautiful! In addition, I connected with a lot of professionals, which could lead to projects in the future ;-)
Definitely be on the look out for these two young ladies because not only are they ambitious but they are very driven and about their business. Below are a few shots from the events. Enjoy!
One of the live performers and she killed it!
One of the live models. Love that dress!
Designer Roper saying a few words

Some sweets for our tummies :-)
Full house!
live model. Can you believe her pants were hand painted live by artist John Born
Another live model. Her outfit gave me life!
The sweet and lovely Kristen Britton. How cute is her outfit!
T'asia of Armanceyyy. Love her shoes!
Here are, in my opinion of course, some of the best dressed of the night and I thank them for being such good sports :-)
Definitely something I would wear!
I love their comme des garçons vibe!
Everything!!! Can you believe she made those pieces herself? <3
As soon as I saw the kente wrap, I had to snatch a photo lol Fierce
The DJ was looking good too
Loved this cashual chic look and her make up! Just beautiful
So cute!
Too bad the picture came out blurry but my little friend was looking fierce :-)
And of course the post wouldn't be complete if I did not show you what I wore right? lol I had to attend another event earlier that evening so I opted for this pencil skirt that I adore. If you follow me on Instagram, you definitely will recognize it from a picture I posted just a few days ago! I decided to pair it with this top that I've had for years now, which made for a great transition from the semi-conservative event I attended earlier to the glamorous PowerHaus one. I paired the ensemble with silver accessories, to match the Grey skirt. Thanks again Kristen for inviting me! Looking forward to linking up with you in the near future <3
Hope you have a great rest of the week loves and thanks for stopping by!
Dolly K
Top: Old, I don't remember
Skirt: Asos (Sold Out)
Shoes: Similar Here  and Love this!
Bracelets: Bealls Outlet I believe
Clutch: Gift
Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration. 

Merci et à très Bientôt! 


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