Thursday, November 6, 2014

Beauty and the Business: The Ultimate Professional Empowerment Experience

"If the dream is yours, the work is yours too!" Tieko  Nejon
I attended the Beauty and the Business event, a powerful networking luncheon hosted by Makeup Artist Melissa Hibbert  featuring some of the most talented professionals in the industry! The event took place at the Renaissance Hotel in Los Angeles. I have never had access to this much knowledge, experience and expertise in one room, in one Day! So Hats off to Melissa for putting such a faboulous and quality event together!
“I wanted to create an event and experience that was not only entertaining but significant. There are so many talented individuals living their dreams and/or following their passion in some area of the Beauty and Business, just like me, and this event provides the inspiration and information necessary to succeed and thrive”, said Melissa Hibbert, Creator of Beauty and the Business.

The event was  epic, unprecedented, inspiring and career changing  for Beauty Industry Talent, Entrepreneurs, Enthusiasts and Professionals where guests could enjoy a Delicious Catered Lunch, Dessert Bar and Tropical Beverage Bar, while  experiencing Beauty and the Business!
 I got in late so I unfortunately missed and didn't get to  hear an inspiring story from the Business Entreprenuership Honoree, Ja'Maal Buster aka The Eyelash Guru To the Stars and President/CEO of Ja'Maal Buster Cosmetics.  From what I hear, his testimony was amazing!
Melissa Hibbert posing with Ja'Maal Buster
The featured panelists included best-selling authors, experts in Social Media, Personal Branding, Finance as well as some of the top Celebrity Makeup Artists, Hairstylists, Barbers and Wardrobe Stylists in the business. They shared their experience and  empowered attendees to focus on their career and business as professionals and also encouraged and gave them vital advice  to put them on a path to success!

Some of the topics discussed were:
  • The Power of Relationships - How to network, cultivate and nurture them
  • How to make your passion profitable
  • How to get the Master/Expert level of one's career
  • How to promote and market yourself
  • Building and maintaining a client base
  • Budgeting your way to wealth
  • Effective use of Social Media and Marketing
  • How to get started, what are the essentials
  • How to create, promote and start your own product line, business or venture
  • Personal Branding - how to stand out
  • Working with Celebrities; how to's, do's and don'ts
  • Maximize your online presence; website, online resume
I left the Renaissance Hotel feeling pumped, encouraged and very inspired! Two key things I gathered from all these amazing panelists are:
  1.  Do not be afraid to Follow your dreams!
  2.  Integrity is key!

 From left to right (with social media handles/website)
  • Valerie Hunt-Darden - Celebrity Makeup Artist - @ValHuntBeauty
  • Natalie Gouché, Social Media Expert - @nataliegouché
  •  Melissa Hibbert, Celebrity Makeup Artist & Founder of SHEEQ Cosmetics - @melissahibbert
  •  Rhonda O'Neal, Celebrity Hair Stylist and Author of "Beyond The Combs...A Celebrity Hairstylist's Guide to Success"
  • Tieko Nejon, Brand & Image Expert - @tiekonejon 
  • Malaika Paul, The Savvy Business Expert - @malaika 
  • Karim Odoms, Celebrity Hair Stylist, Glam Technician "The Jeuge Master" - @jeugemaster
  • Darrin Lyons, Master Barber, Author and Finance Expert - @dlmasterbarber
  • Donald Conley, Platform Artist and Host of "Barber Night Live" - @ therealbarberizm
 Celebrity hairstylist and Make up artist Lawrence Ray Parker II @lrchealthyhaircare was also in the building and emphasized the importance of being professional.
Artist and Motivational Speaker BillionairePA (@Billionairepa) delivered the keynote address.  He lives to inspire billions of people to speak their dreams into existence by providing them a platform to stand and speak life into their dreams.

I got to snap a pic with Nathalie Gouché and Karim Odoms (love them!) and we were all matching! Awesomeness lol
Took a pic with the gorgoeus Melissa Hibbert as well. Always a pleasure seeing her.
There were also amazing displays and vendors , selling unique and beautiful products! This event was definitely a success and one that will stay in the books for ages. Well done!
I will obviously not be able to share all the goodness from the Beauty and the Business event but make sure you attend the next one! I had a blast, made great connections and am looking forward to furthering my carreer!  
Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for details of what I wore! :-)
Dolly K 


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