Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sexy Nerd

"A great figure or physique is nice, but it's self-confidence that makes someone really sexy." Vivica A. Fox
Hi lovelies! I am back with another post and entry for Tieko Nejon's #Thirteedaysoftees challenge. This look is definitely one of my favorites this year! We got some sun and very gorgeous weather the other day so I took out my cropped tee and my vintage high-slit pencil skirt hehe
 I particularly love this look because with the cape on, it looks like something Solange would wear! And being a huge fan of her style, I got even more excited by it :-) Anyways, I decided to go with beige earrings, shoes and clutchand wore a darker shade of lipstick  to finish off the look. Let me know what you thing below and feel free to participate as well. just remember to tag Tieko Nejon and use the Hashtag mentionned above!
Thank you for stopping by!
Dolly K
P.S.: Can you tell I had a hard time choosing shots? lol Sorry (not really) about some of the redundant pictures but Enjoy!
Crop Tee: Asos (Old)
Skirt: Vintage (Thrifted)
Shoes: Ralph Lauren
Earrings: Toni Daley
Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration. 
Merci et à très Bientôt!


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