Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fringe Shorts + Royal Tee

"Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

 Hello world! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was fantastic! I was home and catered to a few friends and family. I didn't do any Black Friday Shopping in support of the #BlackOutFriday Movement but also because I never do it anyways and take advantage of Cyber Monday instead  lol But this year, I supported a few small and/or Black owned businesses ;-) I've listed a few of my favorites on my Instagram. Check it out Here and support!
This look is my last enrty to Tieko Nejon's #ThirTeeDaysofTees Challenge. I wore this yesterday to the park with the fam and snapped a few shots with a jacket as well since colder weather is about to be among us again ugh. 
Wishing you all a great weekend and as always, Thanks for stopping by! Please make sure you Follow/subscribe to  the blog and leave me comments below with your thoughts on this look :-)
Dolly K

T-Shirt: Royal Dynamite
Shorts: Asos (Old)
Boots: New Look
Watch: Cartier
Earrings: MyRoomatesKloset
Hat: Asos I believe, I've had it for a while now
Sunglasses: Rich Hipster by Chrisette Michelle
Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration. 
Merci et à très Bientôt!


  1. Ok, this outfit is killing... Well not just the outfit but the way you chose to work it just makes the whole outfit and picture perfect! I love it!!!
