Monday, March 16, 2015

NIckiiJean Magazine Le Petite Cique Circus Couture

Hello Lovelies! Yesterday I was invited  as a special  guest to attend the NickiiJean Magazine “Le Petite Cirque Circus ” Fashion Show as it debuted its high-profile Couture Circus themed show and VIP Gifting Lounge. The show  featured runway presentations by  Julian with lian, Rosaline Matos, Kristine Amarillo, Tina Summers Label, Lady Like XO and Fashion Installations by Nichole Walla and Ragged Vagabond Clothing.

Le Petit Cirque girls killed it with their amazing  routines! Such a  great way to open a show
I spotted  Singer Tank and his girlfriend  Zena Foster
 The designers had amazing pieces and the models rocked the runway for the most part. Definitely a great, well organized event. I unfortunately was not able to capture images of the fashion installations because of where I was seated but definitely Check out Nickii jean Magazine's Instagram page Here and also The event's hashtag #NickiiJeanMagazine for images from the show. I had a great time and was pleasantly surprised to see a good friend of mine, Inobe Nicole, strutting the runway as a model (Get it sis!). Thank you Nickii Jean and team for having me! I enjoyed myself and met cool people. Just put me in a better spot next time please lol
 This is a quick look at what I wore. The event being Circus themed, I opted for a "sexy" mime impersonation. I was probably the only person that stuck to the theme  but I got tons of compliments so I can't complain :-)  Good thing I didn't wear a costume or crazy makeup, right?  haha Just kidding. I will take better pictures of the outfit and post them on the blog later so bear with me for the details.
How do you like my mime outfit? Comment and let me know. Thank you for stopping by and Make sure you subscribe to the blog via email to be first to know whenever a new post is up.
Dolly K
Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration.  
Merci et à très Bientôt!


  1. Love love love your outfit!!! Is your store ready yet?

    1. Haha Thank you so much! I am working on that shop love :-)
