Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Kid's Fashion

"Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say." Wayne Dyer

Hello Everyone! Back with a post and this time  it's pictures of my little man that we took last sunday. My followers from back when I started blogging might recall that I was posting outfit inspiration of his outfits ( Check some out here, here, and here) but I had to stop because he just wasn't very cooperative lol But now that he's older and is used to seeing mommy on set, seems like he likes posing for the camera too!So along with my Sunday outfits, I will try snapping pictures of him too! Should I consider a modeling carreer for him too? what do you think? Let me know by commenting. Have a great long weekend and thank you for stopping by!
Dolly K
Sweater: Target
Jeans" Gap
Shoes: Gift from Grandma :-)
White Shirt: Guess
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Merci et à très Bientôt!