Sunday, June 7, 2015

Color-Blocked Yellow Peplum and Blue Fishtails

"Some people hate lime-green; red has all this emotional baggage. Blue seems to be overall one of the more positive colors, and a little more serious than yellow." ~ David Carson

Happy Sunday Lovelies! This is what I wore to Miss Dunnie O's June edition of PowerBrunchLA. You can read my impressions of the event Here. One of my new year's resolutions in 2015 is  to shop my closet more and that is exactly what I did with this look. You may remember the top from this post and the skirt for that one. And if you follow me on Instagram, you may recall these shoes I scored from Buffalo Exchange last year. I was playing with shapes and was plasantly surprised that peplum and fishtail kind of work. And of course blue and yellow (or orange and pink) go well together. What  colors do you like to color block? Let me know by commenting :-)
As always, thank you for stopping by. Make sure you subscribe to the blog to be first notified about new posts.
Dolly K
 Top: Asos
Skirt: TFNC Via Asos (Old)
Bag: Isabelle Handbags
Shoes: Klub Nico
Necklace: Raibow
Cuff Bracelet: Asos (Old)
Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration. 
Merci et à très Bientôt!


  1. i love the contrast of the colors that you brought with this outfit 😍

  2. En deux mots "Simple et Elégant"
    pour repondre a ta queston, cela n'engage que moi :) "Le jaune et Le brun"
