Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dashiki in the Fall

"If everyone would look for that uniqueness then we would have a very colorful world." ~ Michael Schenker
Photos By Heather Borovy

Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Ankara Headbands and bangles: Monabbey Creations
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
Happy Thursday loves! Today;s look is another throwback from weeks back. The Dashiki, which has been around for years in the black community, has become a must-have fashion item in the recent weeks. 
In contemporary Africa, the garment is worn to keep cool in hot climates. During the 1960’s, the dashiki was worn as a political statement. Activists in the black power movement wore the garment "as a way to protest society's disrespect for African Americans. It was a symbol of affirmation, it stood for 'black is beautiful', and signaled a return to African roots, and insistence on full rights in American society. [The Dashiki] still serves as a symbol af Africaness within American culture, especially during Kwanzaa and Black History Month. It is also sometimes worn as a high fashion look or just a colorful, comfortable shirt for all occasions. AfricanImports Blog.

For many Africans, it's the song MASCARA by Congolese Singer FABREGAS that woke the "African consciousness" or rather the need to own a Dashiki shirt because of the display of his musicians and himself wearing that African piece of clothing, instead of the usual designer names. In the international scale,  artists like Chris Brown (upon returning from his trip to Africa), Beyonce etc have been seen wearing it, setting the trend. 
Hope you enjoyed the little history lesson and as laways, thank you for stopping by! Don't forget to Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram for daily updates, laughs and inspiration.  
A très Bientôt!

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