Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Style Recap and 2016 resolutions

Same shoes, 4 looks
Here it is; the last day of the year 2015 and we're all looking back and scratching off
the things we said were going to do and did or shaking our heads shamefully to the things we didn't get to do, right? Well, it's not really that deep but you get what I mean. Like mentioned in my last outfit post of the year, even though 2015 was very challenging, it was still a great year full of blessings and growth. I have stopped making new year resolutions a while ago because I got tired of the frustrations from not keeping them (Yes, I'm very competitive and it is that serious *Hides face but not sorry* tee hee). So instead, I set out smaller, realistic goals throughout the year and give myself a deadline. I have found that it works best for me and prevents me from feeling like a failure at the end of the year lol!
One shirt, 5 looks
One thing that I am proud of myself about is that I was able to maximize many pieces in my wardrobe by shopping in my own closet! When I first started blogging, I didn't realize just how much pressure one gets to buy new clothes or the latest "it" piece on the fashion blogosphere... No shade on all the bloggers who sport all the latest trends and designer labels, but it's never been my thing to fit in nor  look like everybody else on instagram and all the other social sites (again, no pun intended lol). So, I quickly shook that pressure off and stuck to my own personal style and I must say, it feels amazing! By now, you know I'm an avid thrift shopper so another thing I decided was to only buy things if I can picture myself wearing them at least 3 different ways. And that helped  the goal of shopping less and smart be a success and I intend to continue on that path this year. Also, I will conquer my fear of being in front of the camera and  start making videos! Wish me luck and keep me in prayers because this is way out of my comfort zone you guys!
Same boots, 5 looks
 I will let you know what other short term goals I set my mind to but for now THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love and support! You guys are amazing! So many of you have been loyal "virtual friends" since day one and many still continue to show love and support and I truly appreciate it. Happy New year and Best wishes for this new year. Hope 2016 brings you everything you wish for and more! 
 That's all I have for you. What are your new year resolutions? let me know below!

     Talk soon,
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  1. They were Great. Keep doing what you're doing, we All enjoy it and follow the example! ❤️
