Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Lady in Red

Red is  a statement color that represents power, fire and courage to some; and Love, energy and passion to others. Either way it is a very strong color that emotionally captivates by its intensity. What better way to close out the month dedicated to women sporting an all red outfit, right?
For the look, I shopped my closet once again and paired this fabulous vintage blazer with red shorts, red sandals and a headwrap with lots of red on it. The weather being bipolar ( Nothing surprising when living in LA smh), I added my ownbrown tights. You can read about them  Here and Here.
Photos by Trecia L 

Blazer: VP Collections (Vintage)
Shorts: Thomson (Thrifted)
Shoes: Kendall and Kylie
Earrings: Sumharie 
Tights: Ownbrown (Color Yemoya)
Scarf: Gifted
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 A Très Bientôt! 

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“Red is one of the strongest colors, it's blood, it has a power with the eye. That's why traffic lights are red I guess, and stop signs as well... In fact I use red in all of my paintings.” Keith haring


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