Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Co-ords Dashiki

Happy Tuesday loves! It has been a few days since I last posted but I have been busy with consulting with a few businesses and it has taken a lot of my time. Busy is good so I'm not even complaining; just very thankful for all the opportunities. 
I celebrated my birthday on the 16th and
this is what I wore. My mom brought me Dashiki fabric from back home and I got a designer friend of mine  make this ensemble for me. I wanted pieces that I could wear together but also pair with other things in my closet. For example, I can wear the top with jeans, Black or white slacks/skirt. And the pants will go well with a black crop top, a white tank or even a crisp shirt. I really love this idea of getting tailored clothes because it allows you to optimize your wardrobe by mixing and matching clothing you already own.  I will definitely try to have more designs made or just make them once I dust off my sewing machine and perfect the basics that I already have lol How often do you wear custom-made clothing? What  was your favorite design? I would love to see it!

Top and Pants: Custom-Made Here 
Clutch: Ross
Sandals: Payless
Photos By Trecia L 
Thanks for your constant support. Don't forget to subscribe to  the blog to be first to know whenever a new  post is up and please Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram. Have a great Day!

 A Très Bientôt!  
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