Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fashion Fiends

Usually the best outfits  are those you put together when in a hurry.
At least this statement is true for me. This is a look I threw together on a whim before heading out for frozen yogurt.  One thing you  should know about me by now is I that love thrifting and finding unique, vintage clothes that I can pair with my modern pieces. I had to snatch the shirt from one of my sisters closet and make it my own lol (Thanks Gracie!) Nothing much to say about the look so enjoy the pictures and talk soon!

Shirt: Stolen from my sister's closet :-)
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Mossimo
Bag: Vintage Chanel (Thrifted)
Bangles: Bealls

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A Très Bientôt!  

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