Thursday, August 25, 2016

In Living Color

Happy Thursday Loves! It has been a looong time and I apologize for the hiatus. Ethnik Culture turned 3 in a blink of an eye and I had to take some time out and rethink what my purpose for doing this is. In addition, I had to take care of some personal family things so the time out was very much needed. I will not bore you with a long paragraph but just know that I am fine and back to blogging :-)
I shot these pictures in the beginning of summer but didn't get to post them until now. The off shoulder trend has been big this summer and I am loving it. I've rocked off shoulder before  Here, Here and Here  and was excited to see it trending in the fashion world. For this look, I paired this polka, off shoulder blue top with yellow shorts that I got from the thrift store early this year. And it is still summer time so I had some fun with colorful accessories. And I need to talk about this AMAZING purse I scored from goodwill y'all! It is made from real coconut! SO you know as soon as I saw it I had to snatch. Plus for $2.99, it was a done deal lol Anyways, I missed you all so much that's why I'm rambling a lot. But enjoy the pics and please leave me comments below even just to say hello ;-)
Top: American Dream
Shorts: Sophia (Thrifted)
Bag: Thrifted
Shoes: Fergalicious
Bangles: Monabbey Here
Cuff: Asos (old)
Bird Ring: PeaceImageJewelry
Earrings: Toni Daley

Photos By Trecia L
Thanks for the constant support! Don't forget to subscribe to  the blog to be first to know whenever a new  post is up and please Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram. Have a lovely Day and week end!

 A Très Bientôt!  

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