Saturday, September 3, 2016

Shhhh... The Ush is Here!

The kiddo's socks
Hanging my son's hats and bonnets
Hanging  bangles and earrings

Who else dreads laundry day like I do?
Especially when it's my son's load, mainly since I always end up with a lot of mismatched socks than I would like. Well, not anymore because the U. S. H. is here! The U. S. H. which stands for "Unmatched Sock Hanger" is a fantastic, innovative and super practical device that was created to keep up with pretty much unmatched socks between wash cycles. However, it turns out that the U.S.H. is one of those versatile products that’s perfect for many things beyond just Unmatched Socks.  For example keys, headbands, bows, scarves, toys, belts, flowers etc.  I personally use my U. S. H. to hang: 
  • My son's socks and undies on laundry day 
  • Jewelry  for  shoots and/or next day outfit
  •  Unopened mail   
  • My  family (and visitors)'s  car keys 
  • Hats and Beanies 
  • Undergarments 
  • Swimwear on Beach Day
  • My make up brushes after washing them
The U. S. H. has been such a great tool for helping me stay organized. To make things even more easier, the U.S.H. can be configured to hang vertically or horizontally from anywhere with perfect balance, minimum space requirements and maximum visibility.  It has 20 clips that can be easily moved around into different configurations. You can learn more about them by watching  their kickstarter video Here and you will recognize a picture or two ;-) Find them on instagram @ushysockmoster and you will see other awesome and creative ways the U.S.H. can benefit your daily lives. Oh and  make sure you tell them that I sent you!
Got Mail?

More socks

Even candy (*hides face lol)
Even though I was paid to review the U.S.H., the views expresssed in this post are my own. Thanks for the constant support! Stay tuned for another post very soon. Hope you enjoy the long weekend!  Let's stay in touch on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram. Have a lovely Day!
A Très Bientôt!  

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