Monday, September 12, 2016

White and Blue Jeans combo

Happy Monday loves!
 I hope you've had a great weekend. Things have been crazy busy
over here on my end, but I'm excited for the new week! Just wanted to quickly share this pretty color-blocked denim on denim look that I wore a few daays back.  The weather in LA has been very bipolar but I guess we'll just have to 'enjoy' the last sunny warm days while they're here. I won't lie though, I am so ready for layering season! Ok, That's it for now folks stay tuned for a new post soon!

Pants: Guess
Pumps: Vince Camuto
Purse: Thrifted
cuff: Asos
Necklace: Gift from mommy

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A Très Bientôt!  

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