We're experiencing a heat wave this week in LA so this look couldn't FALL at a better period
( pun intended lol). This beautiful dress is yet another piece from my maximize your wardrobe mentions because I've owned it for over 3 years and I am still rocking it! Not sure why it never made it to the blog before but off-shoulders are back to being a thing so here she is. I always feel a sense of pride when pieces I buy because I like them and find them a good addition to my wardrobe suddenly become a thing in the fashion world way after they were a thing for me ;-) Yes, I probably need a piece of humble pie today but I feel good and I hope it rubs off on you too! Happy Hump day!
( pun intended lol). This beautiful dress is yet another piece from my maximize your wardrobe mentions because I've owned it for over 3 years and I am still rocking it! Not sure why it never made it to the blog before but off-shoulders are back to being a thing so here she is. I always feel a sense of pride when pieces I buy because I like them and find them a good addition to my wardrobe suddenly become a thing in the fashion world way after they were a thing for me ;-) Yes, I probably need a piece of humble pie today but I feel good and I hope it rubs off on you too! Happy Hump day!
Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Shoes: Chinese Laundry
Choker: Asos
Bag: MoccaThrift
Photos By Trecia L
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