Thursday, October 6, 2016

Where My Chicks at?

 Hello lovelies! Going through a lot
right now but I promise to post more very soon. This a look I wore last week when the weather was still summer-like here in LA. Fall cool-ish weather is showing its face (finally!) and I am super excited about it. So expect some more look inspiration soon!

Shirt: Juicy Couture
Pants: Guess
Bag: Thrifted
Hat: Buffalo Exchange
Necklace: H&M
Bangles: Asos (Old)
Shoes: Thrifted
Photos By Trecia L
   Thanks for the constant support! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to be first to know whenever a new  post is up and please connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram. Have a lovely Day!
   A Très Bientôt!  
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  1. Aaaah so beautiful!!!! 😍😍😍 this outfit looks like I could wear on casual date, I love it!! ❤️
