Hello Lovelies! Quickly hopping in to share this look. It has been hard to focus
on fun things these past couple of days with everything going on here in America and in the world... But I am back from a very need break/vacation and I refuse to let the devil and his advocates to keep me down! So expect more posts coming your way. I shot these pictures with my friend Johanna a few weeks back and am just now posting them. Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thank you for stopping by! Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to be first to know whenever a new post is up and please connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Have a good night/day loves!
A Très Bientôt!
I love this jumpsuit on you. I think it looks really flattering on your body type. It makes you look slim and long. The color is very summery appropriate too.