Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Overcoming the Heat

Sunday night was the final game of the NBA Finals and Cleveland won the series. I have been a Lebron James hater for nearly the last decade or so.
Granted he is one of the best players in the NBA of this generation and I admire his craft but that is not what I want to talk about today. You see, I would be lying if I said Lebron and the Cleveland Cavaliers didn't motivate the crap out of me during this series, but especially last night! Last night, Lebron James  did exactly what he promise he would do: he won a championship for his hometown. And he did that on the Golden State Warriors Court! As much as I choose to hate on Lebron, I have to tip my hat to him because he, along with his teammates were resilient, focused and so they delivered and brought the trophy home.

Summer is upon us and it came with a bang. it was ridiculously hot today and it will be for a while and many of us complained about it with our friends/family and of course on social media. And many didn't accomplish much today because it was too hot. I just wrapped up a photoshoot 2 hours ago and I would be lying if I say I didn't think about calling it off ( Insert *hides face emoji Here). But I stuck to it because I gave my word and also I love what I do. SO this is what I would like to leave with you today: No matter how tough times seem to be, DO NOT GIVE UP! Maybe you have a dream that you deem "impossible" to realize because of naysayers or you are straight up scared.  None of that really matters. Just go after it and even if you fail, you can at least say that you tried.
Hat: H&M (Old)
2-Piece: Vintage
Photos By Alexia L
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 A Très Bientôt!  

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