Saturday, April 15, 2017

Coachella Dreaming

Coachella Weekend is upon us and for those of us not going, it means being bombarded by posts of people having the time of their lives. And let's be real, most of us will suffer a little FOMO because we're stuck at home or on the job and not partying at Coachella. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be depressing at all. Take it from a fashion blogger, model and content creator who would looove to be there because: 
  •  All the famous bloggers, models and industry people will attend
  •  It makes you and your brand look good
  • You can make great connections 
  • and of course, people seem to have so much fun there
But this post is NOT about what could happen if you went to Coachella. I felt like we need to get through the suffering of Coachella FOMO together so Here are some things you can do to get through this weekend if you're missing out on Coachella or any other big events:
1. Get some Zzzzz Time
Catch up on sleep and if you're lucky, you can sleep through the weekend, wake up on Monday and not have any FOMO to deal with Ha!
2. Netflix and Chill
Binge watch a show you have been putting off this weekend. It's not like you will be at Coachella anyways (pun intended )
3.  Pamper Yourself
Treat yourself with a manicure, pedicure, some retail therapy and a meal out.
4. Go Out of Town 
Go on an adventure, even just for the day. You don't have to stay in town just because you can't be at the festival.
5. Try Something New
You know that Yoga (or sushi) place you said you wanted to check out? well now is a good time to see what's it about. A new experience will distract your mind from all the festivities.
6. Remind Yourself that it is NOT the end of the world and that you rock! 
Every year around this time it seems like EVERYONE is going to The polo Fields of the Desert. Last year’s attendance was reported at approximately  200,000 over the desert music festival’s two weekends. That’s indeed a lot of people, and you probably follow many of them sigh. But it also means there were approximately 324,600,000 people who didn’t go. That’s less than 0.1% of the country attending Coachella. That’s, like, no one. Hardly anyone—so, relax. Another reason you shouldn't get FOMO is that  Music festivals usually kind of suck because they’re too crowded,  the sound is awful, it gets super hot, it's hard to get drinks, and You have to walk a long way to pee in rather intoxicated (gross) latrines.  
7. Virtually Experience Coachella 
If like me, you just can't get off social media, Get your drink ready, Put your flower crown on, Blast your favorite music,  and watch all of the Coachella coverage on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and all the other online platforms. You'll be so saturated with it that it will certainly feel like you were actually there ;-)
So Think about this loves. Wouldn't you rather stay home? Of course I wouldn't duh lol But I hope these reasons at least made you feel a little better about not being in the desert this weekend. Stay tuned for more  and let me know if you like these kind of posts.
Dress: Creatures of Comfort
Purse: Ternoversix
Sandals: Mossimo
Earrings: Bealls (Old)
Bangles: Asos (Old) 
Photos by Johanna B.
Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to be first to know whenever a new post is up and please connect with me on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram. Have a great weekend loves!  
 A Très Bientôt! 
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